including but not limited to: All dead flowers, any plantings outside of a concrete planter box, excessive artificial flowers, baskets, boxes, containers, flags, banners, fences, rods, wires, hooks, any decorations outside of a concrete planter box, gravel or woodchips outside of a concrete planter box.
Only live flowers or non-faded artificial flowers in a concrete planter box will be permitted to remain.In order to keep the appearance of the cemetery neat, as well as to protect the wildlife of the area, items such as balloons, pinwheels, glass items or stuffed animals, glass bottles, food or drink will be immediately removed from all graves.
A concrete planter box (where permitted) not exceeding 2 feet wide by 1 foot deep by 1 foot tall within the confines of the grave dimensions and in front of the memorial (if in place), is recommended and preferred. Live or artificial flowers may be placed in the concrete planter box and must be maintained by the family of the deceased. Up to 1 solar light or cemetery light may be placed within the concrete planter box. Dead flowers, discolored, broken, or faded artificial flowers, unauthorized decorations and weeds of any sort or volume will cause cemetery personnel to empty the box and turn it over.
In the Garden of Christ Section (within section E), flowers may be planted in the special flower box markers and must be maintained by the family of the deceased. The markers must be made of marble and look exactly like the ones now located throughout the section (1-10x1-8, flush with the ground). No other boxes, urns or plants will be permitted except winter blankets, wreaths, or bouquets.
In the Flush Bronze Memorial Section (section F), flowers may be placed within bronze flower vases, which are incorporated into the memorial. No other boxes, urns or plants will be permitted except winter blankets, wreaths, or bouquets.
Bushes, flowers, or any other types of decorations may not be placed on either side of a single grave memorial as these adornments would then encroach on an adjoining lot.
To protect the interest of each individual purchaser, and to secure the best general results, cemetery administration requires that the planting of shrubs and in some instances, flowers shall be done only by employees of the cemetery, with approval of cemetery administration. These plantings must be cared for by the lot owners or their families.
Live or artificial flowers may be placed in a vase or cone in front of any existing memorial within the confines of the gravesite and at the head or foot of the grave (as appropriate). Dead flowers, faded artificial flowers, or flowers of any type strewn uncontained on the ground will be removed and discarded. As with planter boxes, flower vases/cones and their contents must be properly maintained by the family.
Seasonal items may be placed on a stand at the head of the gravesite, (or in front of the memorial) and are to be removed 15 days following the holiday observance.
Examples: Christmas Wreaths, Easter flower crosses, etc.
Memorial Day flags will be collected/removed no later than the end of the first week of September.