Frequently asked questions.
Absolutely! We have an extensive database of records that we can search by name and age, or year of death. We can also tell you exactly where your loved one is in the cemetery.
We do not sell headstones or any type of monument at Ewing Cemetery, but we would be glad to provide a list of local providers that can. Some sections have restrictions on monuments so make sure you confirm the eligibility of the type of stone or marker in the section you would like to place it.
Headstones may be purchased from any monument dealer, however, make sure you confirm with us the eligibility of the type of monument you’d like to place, as some sections have restrictions. Also, monuments can only be placed by the owner of the grave.
All monuments require a cement foundation to be installed by the cemetery.
If you can visit the cemetery during business hours, we would be happy to look up and escort you to the location of your loved one’s grave. If you wish to visit after-hours we can email you a map of the general area where the grave is located.
Although cremations can only be scheduled through a Funeral Home, our crematory works closely with local funeral directors to accommodate scheduling requests whenever possible. Please contact a Funeral Home of your choice to make the appropriate arrangements.
Please refer to our published prices, here: Prices
Sometimes it is necessary for a stone to be moved temporarily so that heavy equipment can be used in a section or so that a grave can be dug or a funeral can be held. We endeavor to replace stones as soon as possible after the event.
Although Ewing Cemetery is not as large as some cemeteries, it is easy to get turned around. We never, ever move our residents (unless compelled to by a court of law).
Stop by our office and we will be happy to look up the location and escort you to your loved one’s gravesite. -
When a permanent headstone is placed on a grave, the temporary marker is removed since it is no longer needed to identify the resident and their location.